The Mission
SAORI Arts NYC is a nonprofit organization that encourages people with life-limiting conditions to discover inner strengths through free-style weaving. We nurture freedom of expression, bringing personal growth, enhanced self-worth, and joy to people of all ages who experience developmental, mental, or physical challenges.

SAORI Arts Values
Our work is guided and informed by our commitment to a population with special needs. We aim to:
Create a safe and calm environment to introduce a new art form.
Respond to the need in all human beings to discover something new and special within themselves.
Provide a lasting source of accomplishment.
We believe SAORI weaving provides on going joy for those facing challenges in their lives. Art, as a form of the healing process, contributes to personal growth, recovery and self-worth. SAORI ARTS NYC offers weaving as an opportunity to build self-confidence and independence for these individuals.

Who Can Benefit From SAORI?
Individuals of all ages with developmental disabilities, chronic or life-threatening illnesses, or mental illness.
Hospital art therapy programs and rehabilitation centers for people with disabilities.
Community-based organizations that seek to enhance their art programs for special needs audiences.
Homeless shelters and shelters that house individuals who are victims of domestic violence.

What Is Unique About SAORI Arts NYC?
SAORI Arts NYC is comprised of people from diverse professional fields. Business executives, doctors, nurses, lawyers, writers, and marketing professionals have become SAORI artists, and they are also the teachers in our outreach programs.
A Saori teacher can guide anyone to become a Saori weaver and experience the calming benefits of this art form.
The Saori loom is designed for simplicity of use and is adaptable to accommodate physical disabilities. The looms are portable, enabling us to teach on site.
Art therapy specialists and other professionals who work with challenged populations can learn this weaving skill and establish their own programs for their clients.
While relatively new in the United States, Saori has a proven track record of successfully serving a population with disabilities in Japan, and its universality is evidenced by the fact that 40 countries have also embraced this art form for people of all ages with challenges.