The Mission
SIBSPLACE® is a free therapeutic program of South Nassau Communities Hospital. The program serves children ages 5-17, who are living with a sibling with cancer or another devastating illness, or a parent with cancer. SIBSPLACE provides support and attention to the unique experience and needs of the well children as they face the issues and conflicts related to the illness of their loved one. Professional mental health staff foster resiliency through the encouragement of peer support and creative arts activities. During a traumatic family experience, it is important for the well child to identify their feelings through increased self- expression and coping skills. With each program experience, we strive to provide our participants with the opportunity for healthy growth and development. Our door is opened to all children no matter what hospital is treating their loved one.

Bereavement Services
When a child loses a brother, sister or parent the world becomes a very dark place. Although surrounded by classmates and friends, they mostly feel alone, isolated- wondering how can everyone else be laughing and going around doing the same things they always did … “my whole world has come to a standstill!"
They may go through the motions, but their minds are in chaos. How do they make sense of their loss? Why did this happen? “Who will ever understand how *I* feel?"
SIBSPlace is a free therapeutic community service program of South Nassau Communities Hospital. Since 2000, a team of mental health professionals has provided support to well children living with a brother or sister with cancer, or another devastating illness. We then expanded to include well children living with a parent with cancer.
SIBS Place developed a 6-week support group designed to help children cope with their lose.

SIBS Kids Corner
Services that SIBS Place provides include:
Activities are developed each month to talk about feelings and build skills while having fun. Whether it’s art, music or circle time, there is something for everyone at SIBS.
Homework assistance from volunteer teachers and high school students. The children know that there is always someone they can rely on to help them understand and complete their assignments.
During dinner, children have the chance to share stories about their week. They can connect with each other and staff through common experiences and feelings. They can learn from each other, as well. Dinner is provided each program night. It is always yummy!